At WHALE Arts we are running a project called the Considerate Path User campaign, it ties in with City of Edinburgh Council’s Paths For Everyone campaign and is about encouraging people to use the shared paths in a way that is more considerate to other users. At WHALE we are focusing on the Wester Hailes area of Edinburgh as the project idea came from the Wester Hailes, Sighthill and Broomhouse Active Travel Behaviour Change Action plan, co-produced by Sustrans and a steering group of local organisations, including WHALE.
Make a pledge about how you are going to use the pathways HERE.

The City of Edinburgh Council, Sustrans & WHALE would like to improve things for everyone to experience a more positive attitude towards using our local pathways, we are asking people to think about how they might adjust their behaviours thereby creating more positive attitudes to using the shared space. That’s what the Paths for Everyone campaign sets out to do… whatever you are doing, it’s simply about making a pledge which will ensure you become even more considerate to others with walking, cycling or jogging.
The Considerate Path User campaign has been created by local people for local people in the hope that those working or living in the area take time to think about steps they can take as individuals, to make positive changes when using local pathways. These can be smaller changes such as taking off headphones and being aware of cyclists ringing their bells, wearing high visibility clothing to ensure safety later in the evening or cyclists reducing their speed when passing pedestrians. The purpose of shared use paths is for people to enjoy their free time and free outdoor space which is for everyone, whether on a commute to work or out walking with friends and family.
As part of this campaign there is an opportunity to make pledge about how you are going to use the pathways and a simple questionnaire to answer. At WHALE we are also hosting two events on 2nd & 4th March to raise awareness of the campaign and to hear your thoughts and opinions on the matter of local shared path use. Wester Hailes Artist, Pam Van De Brug has created a ‘Pretty Places’ artist map of the local area which we will share at these events. There will also be free refreshments and free high visibility gear and cycling accessories to give away.
Make a pledge about how you are going to use the pathways HERE.