We run ongoing programmes, short term projects and events.
To keep up to date with our short term projects and events, please follow us on social media, sign up to our newsletter or make sure to pick up our regular What’s On guides.
Below is information about our ongoing Adult and Youth programmes.
Adult Programme
Whale Arts Adult Programme currently consists of 5 different groups; SmArtcraft, Open Studio, Let’s Create, Stitch N’Time, Men’s Makers.
Open Studio is the only one of our programmes which is a drop in, meaning that people can attend when they like. The other 4 groups run every week and are designed for people to attend every week.
If you would like more information about joining one of our adult programmes, you can fill in our enquiry form here.
Or contact us
Phone: 0131 458 3267
Email: info@whalearts.co.uk
When: Mondays 10am-12noon and Mondays, 1pm-3pm
Who is it for: Adults with additional needs
What do we do:
The sessions are designed to teach participants new creative skills and to develop existing ones. The skills are mainly visual arts and crafts, but we are open to suggestions from the group.
The sessions often have a theme, which could be a source of inspiration or a creative skill. Participants are welcome to take part in this theme or work on their own projects.
Let’s Create
When: Weekly on Tuesdays, 10am-1pm
Who is it for: This group is for adult women who are struggling with their mental health.
What do we do:
They come together to support their wellbeing through creativity and a shared meal. The sessions are relaxed and led by the lead artist who will work with the group to decide on the content of the sessions.
Open Studio
When: Tue 10am-12.30pm and Thur 1.30pm-4.00pm
Who is it for: Adults
What do we do:
This is a drop-in session where people can come to try something new or work on their own projects. We can provide materials and some support from a knowledgeable tutor. This session is a drop in, so people can come as often as they like, for as long as they like.
Stitch N Time
When: Tuesdays 1-3pm
Who is it for: Adult Women
What do we do:
This is a session for participants to come together to use their sewing skills for group projects to make things for the community. The lead artist works with the group to identify projects to do which will help the community. This is a social session where participants can meet new people, learn new skills and help the community.
Men’s Makers
When: Wednesdays, 10am-2pm
Who is it for: Adult Men
What do we do:
This is a social session for men to come and develop their making skills. The sessions are designed to teach participants new creative skills and to develop existing ones. The skills are mainly visual arts and creative construction, but we are open to suggestions from the group. The Lead Artist will often present a new skill or a creative theme for the session which participants are welcome to take part in or spend the session working on their own projects.
Digital Skills Support
When: Mondays, 1pm – 3pm at WHALE Arts
Thursdays, 2.30pm – 4.30pm at The Health Agency
Fridays, 10am – 12pm at Clovenstone Community Centre
Who is it for: Adults
What do we do:
A drop-in session offering support with all things digital. There is no need to book, pop along whenever you want and stay as long as you feel able. There is no set curriculum so raise the topics you are interested in learning or need support with and our Digital Team will lend a hand. Equipment is provided or feel free to bring your own device.
Youth Programme
Our youth programme has ongoing programmes in term time and curated holiday programmes.
Please get in touch with us to find out more about our programmes
Phone: 0131 458 3267
Email: info@whalearts.co.uk
When: Fridays 1:30pm – 3pm
Who is it for: Young people ages: 6 – 12
What do we do:
An art club every Friday exploring all things related to visual art, come and learn about drawing, printmaking, collage. Try something new with our professional artists who will introduce you to new art making skills. Develop your artistic skills, and inspire your imagination!
Comic Club
When: Mondays 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Who is it for: Young people ages: 12 – 16
What do we do:
A free weekly drop-in club for lovers of comics, manga, anime and all things drawn! Learn new skills like printing techniques, create your own comics, animations and toys. Or just hang out and read with friends.
Street Arts
When: Thursdays 5pm – 7pm
Who is it for: ages: 5 – 16
What do we do:
This is an outreach programme where our Street Arts team made up of Artists and Youth Support workers head out into local play parks of Wester Hailes and Murrayburn and Hailesland.
The sessions are, full of fun art, music, drama, photography, giveaways, games and more. Participants can like our Street Arts WHALE Facebook page for more info and where to find us. No need to book, but we will need your details to take part in sessions. https://www.facebook.com/WhaleArtsAgency
Play Sense Create
When: Saturdays – individually booked sessions
Who is it for: For children with Additional Support Needs / Disabilities
Play Sense Create group is for ages 5 – 10. Explore group is for ages 11- 16
What do we do:
This is our accessible multi-arts projects for young people with ASN and their families. Sessions are run in person one-to-one and small group supportive sessions for participants and their families. Messy art, sensory play, music, film, photography and fun! For more information email play-sense-create@whalearts.co.uk Please note, this programme is currently fully booked, but there is a waiting list.
Holiday programmes
We run programmes over the school holidays which include trips, visual arts workshops, dance workshops, gardening sessions and many more exciting things to get involved in
To keep up to date on our programmes, follow us on social media, sign up to our newsletter or make sure to pick up our regular What’s On guides.
Contact us for more information
Phone: 0131 458 3267
Email: info@whalearts.co.uk