WHALE Arts strives to offer a range of volunteering opportunities that allow people to develop their skills and experience in a supportive, creative environment. Our current opportunities are listed below so if you are interested in discussing these, or any ideas you might have, in more detail then please get in touch.
Volunteer Awards: We are delighted smART CRAFT volunteer Latisha Reihill received an Individual Achievement Award at the Inspiring Volunteering Achievement Awards 7 June 2016, and Community Cinema and Digital Sentinel volunteer David Jacobs received an award 7 June 2017. Fabien Merville, Jan Davies, Julia Davies, Allan McNaughton, Neil Findley, Keisha Lancaster are recipients of The Spirit of WHALE Award.
Individual Opportunities
Community Café Volunteer (Barista) Opportunity
Arts and Wellbeing Programme Volunteers (Mens Makers and Open Studio Sessions)
If you are interested in volunteering with us, get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteercoordinator@whalearts.co.uk to find out what opportunities are available.
Team Opportunities
With over 7000 visitors each year, WHALE Arts needs regular maintenance to keep it looking great. Painting, gardening, and team cleans all play an important part in this process and offer a great way for staff from our corporate supporters to make a difference in our community. If you or your team are intersested please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Fabien Merville at volunteercoordinator@whalearts.co.uk.